Table of contents
- 1 . What is the map object?
- 2 . How can you create a map object?
- 3 . How can you manipulate an item of a map object?
- 4 . How can you read the keys and values of your map object?
- 5 . Get the length or the number of elements in the map.
- 6 . How can you check if a key exists on the map?
- 7 . What are the ways to iterate the elements in a map?
- Points to remember
In JavaScript, we have two types of maps first is a functional map and a class map. In this article, we will know about class maps.
What is a functional map?
map() is the higher-order array method, When we want to iterate or loop an array, We use the functional map.
What is an object?
The object is a collection of key-value pairs.
1 . What is the map object?
The map is a collection of key-value pairs that can use any type of data as a key or value. The key field in Map can be of any data type such as a number, array, or object. A map remembers the original order of insertion order of the key.
A map is an advanced object with new features and better performance.
2 . How can you create a map object?
A map can be created using the map constructor.
const mapObj = new Map([
['name' , 'vinayak singh'],
[10 , 'this is a number value'],
[true , 'this is boolean value'],
console.log(mapObj.get(10)) //this is a number value
We can set the value using an array of arrays, and the inner array can contain a key and a value, and the key can be of any data type such as a string, number, boolean etc.
3 . How can you manipulate an item of a map object?
In Map, we have set(), get() and delete() methods for manipulation.
set() - the set method used to add or update the value with a specified key and a value.
get() - the set method used to access elements.
delete() - delete method used to delete elements.
const myMap = new Map();
myMap.set( 1 , "one");
myMap.set( 2 , "two")
console.log(myMap.get(1)) // one
console.log(myMap) // Map(1) { 2 => 'two' }
4 . How can you read the keys and values of your map object?
In the map, we have keys(), value() and entries() methods.
keys() - We can use keys() method to get list of keys. map.keys() returns an iterator with the key.
Here Array.from() just converts an object to an array.
const myMap = new Map([
[ 1 , "One"],
[ "Two" , 2],
[ "Three" , "3"]
console.log(myMap.keys()) //[Map Iterator] { 1, 'Two', 'Three' }
console.log(Array.from(myMap.keys())) //[ 1, 'Two', 'Three' ]
values() - we can use values() method to get list of values. map.values() returns an iterator with the value.
const myMap = new Map([
[ 1 , "One"],
[ "Two" , 2],
[ "Three" , "3"]
console.log(myMap.values()) //[Map Iterator] { 'One', 2, '3' }
console.log(Array.from(myMap.values())) //[ 'One', 2, '3' ]
entries() - map.entries() returns an object of Map iterator that contains the key-value pair for each element.
const myMap = new Map([
[ 1 , "One"],
[ "Two" , 2],
[ "Three" , "3"]
console.log(myMap.entries()) //[Map Entries] { [ 1, 'One' ], [ 'Two', 2 ], [ 'Three', '3' ] }
console.log(Array.from(myMap.entries())) //[ [ 1, 'One' ], [ 'Two', 2 ], [ 'Three', '3' ] ]
5 . Get the length or the number of elements in the map.
We can get size or the number of elements of a map using size property.
const myMap = new Map([
[ 1 , "One"],
[ "Two" , 2],
[ "Three" , "3"]
console.log(myMap.size) // 3
6 . How can you check if a key exists on the map?
In the map, we have has method. It returns a boolean value, If the key exists in the map, it returns true, otherwise, it returns false.
const myMap = new Map([
[ 1 , "One"],
[ "Two" , 2],
[ "Three" , "3"]
console.log(myMap.has("Two")) // true
console.log(myMap.has(2)) // false
7 . What are the ways to iterate the elements in a map?
There are multiple ways to iterate over the element in the map.
we can use for..or loop or forEach loop
const myMap = new Map([
[ 1 , "One"],
[ "Two" , 2],
[ "Three" , "3"]
for(const [key , value] of myMap){
console.log(` our key ${key} and value is ${value}`)
myMap.forEach((value , key)=>{
console.log(` our key ${key} and value is ${value}`)
Points to remember
A map object can not contain duplicate keys, but it can contain a duplicate value.
The key and value can be any type(e.g.- number, boolean, string etc.).
A map object iterates its elements in insertion order.
If I made any type of mistake in this article. So, I am sorry, And please give me your suggestion..!!!.
Thank you for reading ๐๐โค๏ธ.